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We've entered the terrible twos! To celebrate, here are ten of our favorite quotes from the past year.
10. "Half
the people in New York if they were anywhere else would be either
interviewed or arrested."
White, City Boy
9. "New
York is a city where there is no room for amateurs, even in crossing
the street."
Segal, quoted in Comedy Techniques for Writers and Performers
8. "What New
York represents, perfectly and consistently, in literature and life
alike, is the idea of Hope. Hope for a new life, for something big to
happen, hope for a better life or a bigger apartment."
Gopnik, Through the Children's Gate
7. "That's
what I love about New York City — it's always being reborn, it's
always reinventing itself. And demands the same of you — that you
keep readjusting to time."
Guare, Landscape of the Body
6. "New York City is America—dynamic, maybe brutal, but always
aspiring towards the higher, the better, the impossible."
Dinh Tran, Blue Dragon, White Tiger
5. "Being
in New York is like falling in love over and over again."
Berry (Lea Michele), Glee
4. "There
has never been anything like New York on the face of planet Earth.
They can say what they want about ancient Rome, but it wasn't like
Marsalis, My City, My New York
3. "New York is like that. It is brilliant and glittering and hard and ruthless, and a terrible cheat and a liar, but it is also full of tender little surprises, and when it's in a giving mood, it has a lot to give. If you play your cards right, and you sweat a lot, and you pay your dues, the rewards are not sometimes, but often, beyond your wildest dreams."
Lillian Roxon, Lillian Roxon: Mother of Rock
2. "There's
a swell when you first see Manhattan. It's true, you think, the
skyline is not a mirage, and you can be inside of it, naked in that
gold light."
Weir, What I Did Wrong
1. "This
is not a city. This is a world with whole countries in it."
MacDonald, Fall On Your Knees
What's your favorite?